AN INTRODUCTION There are important factors to consider when attempting to build muscle, increase strength and improve performance.
SPECIFIC TRAINING. You should endeavour to train for your specific sport or goal. If you are a long distance runner you do not need to train for muscle bulk but rather for stamina and endurance. Conversly a muscle building athlete or bodybuilder should train for strength and muscle size.
PROGRESSIVE TRAINING. In order for training to be effective it must also be progressive. Improvment should be made on a weekly basis simply by being consistant with your training and not performed randomly. Keeping a log of training loads and times and striving to improve upon them is the prerequisite of improved performance and goal attainment.
REST AND RECUPERATION. The body needs approximately 72 hours to fully recover from an intence workout. It is therefore advisable never to train the same body part again during this critical post workout recovery and growth period. As recovery is both physical and mental, a sound sleep is required every night so that training sessions can be faced with freshness and energy.